Real trees are a natural and renewable source over their lifetime the amount of CO2 a Christmas tree will absorb will be around 3.5kg assuming it is cut at 6ft. If it is burned or chipped and spread over the garden after Christmas then this will omit the same amount of carbon dioxide as absorbed when growing. So, there will be hardly any carbon footprint involved in the growing and cutting of your Christmas tree. Christmas tree farmers have one of the best reputations for sustainable growing practices and typically plant three trees for everyone they harvest.
While your tree is growing it provides an important habitat for wild life and the trees are favoured by small mammals such as field mice, as well as a hunting ground for buzzards, hawks, owls and foxes, plus they act as cover and food for a whole variety of insect and birds. Christmas tree growers recognise that working with nature is in their best interest and minimising any impact on the environment by using nature to assist them. Growers rely heavily on beneficial insects such as ladybirds, hoverfly plus parasitic mites and wasps. Insecticides are used sparingly and any applications are applied when any beneficially insects are hibernating, or safe in their eggs. Grass rides are planted between each block of trees giving even more ground cover for birds and small mammals.