Covid Update – 6th October 2020

With a couple of months to go before our busiest time of the year, we feel its quite clear that Covid will still be around for some time to come. So in response to this were actively working on measures to keep our customers and staff safe whilst keeping the fun and festive atmosphere!

Thankfully all of our trees are displayed outside in the fresh air, so social distancing shouldn’t be too difficult here. We are however going to put a few extra measures in place so that we can all remain as safe as possible.

  • This year we will open a week earlier on Saturday 21st November so that sales may be spread over a longer period
  • We will be open every day until Saturday 20th December from 08:00 – 2000 allowing our customers to avoid the busy weekends if they so wish
  • Face masks will be mandatory inside our shop unless you are exempt
  • There will be a hand sanitiser point at the entrance to our tree sales area and another at the entrance to our Christmas shop
  • We shall have 2 point of sales to reduce the likelihood of queue
  • We would prefer card payments but will still accept cash
  • The tree sales area will have markers every 2 meters to help maintain social distancing
  • We were planning on holding wreath making classes on selected evenings and introducing our Santa’s grotto, in the current circumstances we have decided to cancel this for 2020
  • Further updates will follow subject to Government guidelines

We can’t wait to open the gates and welcome everyone back, after what has been an extremely tough year!

Matt and Gemma